Lame tak menjenguk blog yang tak seberapa ni... i don't even know how to start... so many things to talk about... and am sure some of you must be waiting sooo long for a new post to come out...before i made a very looooooooong introduction.. let me start with a little wish to all of you...
I wish all the muslims...: Ramadan Kareem..! Blessings of Allah on us..insyaAllah...
hope this ramadan would be better than last ramadan... ameen!
Last post, i invited all readers & viewers to my wedding ceremony... & it was more than two months ago... Time sure flies so fast that i still trying to accept the reality..that am now a married woman... & the most wonderful thing is... am going to become a mother.... SubhanAllah! My husband keep on asking... like... ' you believe this really happened to us?..or ' uci/sayang..(opss!).. percaya x? sekarang uci dah jadi isteri orang?' thanks to him.. i WOKE UP afterward!
Yep! Frankly.. it's not easy to just change your status from 'single' to 'married' which comes together with new responsibilies and commitments without having any problems to adapt with it.. The most essential things are.. to acknowledge the purpose of marriage(at the very beginning!) and the duties & rights of husband & wife after marriage....
I loved to quote some of the hadeeths that advices to wife:
1) Anas reported God's messenger as saying, "When a woman observes the five times of prayer, fasts during Ramadan, preserves her chastity and obeys her husband, she may enter by any of the gates of paradise she wishes (in other words nothing will prevent her from entering paradise)." [Mishkat].
2) Um Salma reported God's messenger as saying, "Any woman who dies when her husband is pleased with her will enter Paradise." [Tirmidhi]
3) Abu Huraira told that when God's messenger was asked which woman was best, he replied, "The one who fills [her husband] with joy when he sees her, obeys him when he directs and does not oppose him by displeasing him regarding her person or property." [Mishkat]
MasyaAllah... it's sounds easy for woman to enter jannah/ heaven.. but yet! why there's more women than men in the burning hell? O' Allah.. let me be a good & obedient wife...let me die when my husband pleased with me at most...& we really want your blessings to guide us to what You like most! Ameen ya Rabb!