sharing is caring.... i found this video last year..when i'm crazily downloaded all the super-nice nasheed videos in you-tube...
most people will love music...& here is a very soothing nasheed..that will melt your heart...
sometimes, the reminders or tazkirah..we might not get it from others..but we can always find it elsewhere...if we try..insyaAllah!
What about using a mask? What does WHO recommend?
If you are not sick you do not have to wear a mask.
If you are caring for a sick person, you can wear a mask when you are in close contact with the ill person and dispose of it immediately after contact, and cleanse your hands thoroughly afterwards.
When and how to use a mask?
If you are sick and must travel or be around others, cover your mouth and nose.
Using a mask correctly in all situations is essential. Incorrect use actually increases the chance of spreading infection.
How do I know if I have influenza A(H1N1)?
You will not be able to tell the difference between seasonal flu and influenza A(H1N1) without medical help. Typical symptoms to watch for are similar to seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat and runny nose. Only your medical practitioner and local health authority can confirm a case of influenza A(H1N1).
What should I do if I think I have the illness?
If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough or sore throat:
Should I take an antiviral now just in case I catch the new virus?
No. You should only take an antiviral, such as oseltamivir or zanamivir, if your health care provider advises you to do so. Individuals should not buy medicines to prevent or fight this new influenza without a prescription, and they should exercise caution in buying antivirals over the Internet.
What about breastfeeding? Should I stop if I am ill?
No, not unless your health care provider advises it. Studies on other influenza infections show that breastfeeding is most likely protective for babies - it passes on helpful maternal immunities and lowers the risk of respiratory disease. Breastfeeding provides the best overall nutrition for babies and increases their defense factors to fight illness.
When should someone seek medical care?
A person should seek medical care if they experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if a fever continues more than three days. For parents with a young child who is ill, seek medical care if a child has fast or labored breathing, continuing fever or convulsions (seizures).
Supportive care at home - resting, drinking plenty of fluids and using a pain reliever for aches - is adequate for recovery in most cases. (A non-aspirin pain reliever should be used by children and young adults because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.)
Should I go to work if I have the flu but am feeling OK?
No. Whether you have influenza A(H1N1) or a seasonal influenza, you should stay home and away from work through the duration of your symptoms. This is a precaution that can protect your work colleagues and others.
Can I travel?
If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of influenza, you should not travel. If you have any doubts about your health, you should check with your health care provider.
antara buku yang ana sempat rembat bukan pada hari bertugas....(yang belah2 atas adalah buku anak sedara..ngee!)
ni plak bukan time KLIBF..tapi time Konvensyen Quran di UITM shah alam.. ana hanya membantu menjaga booth...
10. jangan tiru macam saya... wuuuu!
so..sahabat..sayangi laptop anda..esp.time study ni.. buat tesis..buat assignment..kalo data loss..mmg bukan setakat gugur rambut..tercabut kepala terus..hehe!
pape pun.. alhamdulillah..walaupun laptop ana mmg xle bukak lgsung..sempat jugak recover files..
p/s: currently, i'm using my fren's laptop...